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HSSE Manager
面议 上海 应届毕业生 学历不限
上海宜欧国际物流有限公司 2024-09-18 07:14:42
HSSE Manager
面议 上海 应届毕业生 学历不限
上海宜欧国际物流有限公司 2024-09-18 07:14:42
This Position holder is responsible for instruction and taking action for implementing of Safety operational process, training planning and launching, and ensure that all operational practice in compliance with all related local and national government regulations, and corporate process. Steer to identify and control of all safety hazards, supervising site operational safety and summarize for continuous improvement. Lead HSSE team and coordinate with respective site focal to assure healthy, safety, security and environmental compliance.该岗位任职者负责对员工进行辅导,以实际行动确保公司安全制度的贯彻实施;策划和组织安全培训,并确保所有区域的运营活动符合地方及国家相关安全法规和公司安全程序。主导安全风险因素的识别和控制,督导现场的安全运行并不断总结经验,确保安全工作的持续改进。负责安全部的日常管理工作并协调各分区安全协调员,确保公司在健康、安全、安保和环保等方面合规运作。Responsibilities of the position:l Steer and support safety activities in operation practicel 主导和支持运营中的各类安全活动。l Build and develop heathy concept and practice; steer its implementation and compliance of Occupational health system.l 建设并发展职业健康管理体系,并主导其贯彻和执行。l Develop the safety rules and regulations, follow up the implementation in the operations.l 发展和完善安全规则和制度,并跟踪其在各类运营活动中的贯彻和实施。l Responsible for development of Safety Tool Box as well as its implementation.l 负责安全工具箱的开发、实施和应用。l Steer accident analysis and prevention.l 主导事故分析和预防的相关工作。l Provide related HSSE trainings.l 提供职业健康、安全相应的培训。l Continues improvement work in HSSE.l 持续改进职业健康安全相关工作。l Provide working instruction and coaching in professional field to various operation teams.l 向各运营单位提供专业工作方面的指导和辅导。l Develop and implement emergency response process, steer and organize firefighting drilling and training.l 开发和实施消防应急反应程序、消防和培训。l Develop and improve security policies and management system, and coordinate for fully implementation by security contractor.l 开发和完善公司安保政策和管理制度,并协调管理安保供应商的贯彻与执行。l Design and develop HSSE business case for new site.l 设计并开发新增操作场地的安全安保商业提案。l Other work related tasks.l 其他工作相关的任务。Specific requirements for the position:l English as the working language is a plus both written and oral presentation.l 英语口语和书面表达流利,能作为工作语言使用者优先录用l Bachelor degree or above, major in related field is preferredl 相关联专业本科以上学历l Minimum of 5 years’ experience in safety engineering and management experience in logistics/warehousing industry.l 物流/仓储行业五年以上安全工程和管理经验l Know-how/skills: hazard identification and control skill, Occupational health and regulation and implementation, security management skills.l 知识与技能:掌握风险因素识别与控制技能、职业健康相关法规及应用、安保管理等技能l Good safety track record.l 良好的安全行为记录l Good communication skill and change management skilll 良好的沟通能力及变革管理能力l Result-oriented and high sense of responsibilityl 以结果为导向,具备高度的责任心。 职能类别:环境/健康/安全经理/主管(EHS) 关键字:HSSE安全经理安全主管安全主任安全临港物流CTPAT
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